Today’s commercial printing

Printer technology is gradually going towards Bluetooth and cloud printing. A good portion of printers sold today do not even have a port made for cable connection. Increasing paradoxically their flexibility in both domestic and office use, this newly dominating technology liberates its users from the constraints of the previous physical infrastructure of the traditional workspace.

This change in a work environment can equate to a heightened productivity and even a reduction in costs. The centralization possibilities that cloud printing allow medium and large size businesses is nothing short of a revolution for printing automation. The versatility of cloud connected printers is also apparent at home for personal use as for the number of devices compatible with the technology making is easier to print from a distance.

It is however the quality that composes the flaw of these wireless printers. If there is but only one issue throughout the signals and commands, it can result in a failure of the whole system, halting the production. Technician help is almost a requirement to maintain a cloud printing system because of its complexity. For businesses, the transition to a virtual printing infrastructure may reduce flexibility in terms of cloud provider interchangeability. It becomes generally very difficult to migrate from provider or cloud system.

This technology is however in constant evolution and offers improvement for the years to come. The commercial and domestic printing industry is in rapid evolution towards a wireless future gradually correcting its flaws.